This Is The Reason Busy Moms Should Stay Happy

This Is The Reason Busy Moms Should Stay Happy Main

Do you ever wonder about the bigger picture of your happiness?

In this video, we talk about:

– Why as a busy mom you need to stay in your happy place.

– The effect of our happiness on the happiness of our children.

– The one thing that makes being happy worth the effort.

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to your joy+ peace + confidence,
A Carin Signature

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What Happiness Really Means to Moms

Comments 38

  1. We all need to stay happy and look on the bright side. We have so many things in our lives each day that we need to be thankful for. God is so good. Thank you so much for sharing

  2. Love this video. I agree that a lot of the times we don’t think about how our reactions/moods/actions affect our children on a day to day basis. I love that your daughter said she was happy to see you happy. That is very sweet and very observant.

  3. Mommies need to work at being happy much more than many of us, but we all need to stay as happy as we can.

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  4. What a great video. It is so important to stay positive and happy. One thing I taught my daughter is to always try and find something funny or positive about every situation. She’s 20 and told me that has gotten her through a lot of tough times.

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  5. thank you for this.. i may not have much but my kids and i are happy.. i love what i do and i never regret any bad or painful scene/s that come my way..

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  6. Such great tips for everyone! I love to always try and stay positive and happy. That makes such a huge difference for everyone around you!

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  7. Great message and one that I really needed to hear. Lately I’ve been so wrapped up in my own long list of things that need to be done, deadlines to meet, etc, that I’ve become stressed out and unhappy. I’ve seen my kids pick up on that negative energy and they’ve been more on edge too. Time to refocus and be my best self for them! Loved your video and keep the positive messages coming! 🙂

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  8. You’re absolutely right, our kids are always watching us even when we don’t think they’re watching. I think it’s so sweet that she was able to share with you that she’s happy and feels good because mommy is happy. We’re our children’s role model so we need to be the example for them on how we want them to be. Great video and I look forward to more. 🙂

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  9. That is so sweet! Sometimes we don’t realize how much of an impact we have on our children. They may not always say anything but they are definitely always watching. And I love that I see that in their loving interactions with each other. Thanks for the reminder!

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  10. That’s so sweet that your daughter said that! I think kids pick up so much from us as moms. They can definitely tell if mom’s not happy, cause like they say…if Mom’s not happy, no one’s happy!

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  11. I try to always stay smiling and positive. I encourage my kids in all they do and we all work at trying to always find that silver lining!

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  12. Such a great reminder. It goes hand in hand with how we view our body image. Loving ourselves and our bodies and just being happy as mothers, in general, truly does have such a profound effect on our children.

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