what will you file away for 2015?

What Will You File Away For 2015?

The start of a new year is always so exciting because January 1st is the day we wipe the slate clean… or do we??

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is lacking intention in the way they approach the new year – and without intention we’re basically flying blind.

Don’t bring 2014 files into 2015. Start this new story from a truly blank page. Make a commitment to close out 2014 – much like we do when cleaning out our office files and placing them in storage or discarding items we no longer need or don’t want to keep as we move forward.

With this post, I hope to inspire you to think intentionally about what you file away for 2015. And to consider the subconscious baggage you’re bringing along for the new year ride.

What will you file away for 2015?

Want a done-for-you, proven process for reflecting and goal setting?
Check out my Annual Self-Reflection Digital Workbook and Life Visioning & Goal Setting Toolkit.

What to file away for 2014:

Resentment: This is the first thing that needs to go. If you’re holding on to any past wrongs, let them go. They only hold you down, not the person you’re determined to hold a grudge against.

Hurt: It takes a lot of strength to let go of past hurt and pain but you will be so much better for it. Just. Let. Go.

Fear: Has no place in the new year. Period. Take the leap. Over, and over again. You will fail, you will fumble, you will fall. But the best part: You will get back up again, you will learn, you will grow.

Judgement: You don’t know someone’s story, nor do they know yours. Abandon judgement and remain invested in the human experience.

Stagnation: Don’t allow another year to go by without you moving forward. Leave inaction behind for good.

what will you file away for 2015?

What to file away for 2015:

Gratitude: Start a daily gratitude journal. Purposely seek what you can appreciate in all things. Look for the best in everyone and everything. It’s life-changing. And well worth the effort.

Joy: Be happy on purpose! Just do it. It feels great, I promise. Smile for no reason, get excited, be engaged, and demonstrate affection for those you hold dear.

Confidence: Remember, nobody has the power to knock you off your pedestal but you. Be proud of yourself. Believe in you. Be optimistic and go after what you really want.

Love: Wholly, freely, and without reservation. Bring it. Pour it. Repeat. Never hold back!

Action: Reflect, live on purpose, and make a plan. Develop SMART goals that align with your core desires and values. Execute. Implement. Basically be like Nike… Just Do It!

Tweet: Take control, be the one calling the shots, and live the life you truly want in 2015. http://ctt.ec/Fa5ZM+ via @carinkilbyclark

I want to hear from you!
What will you file away for 2015? Please leave a comment below and let’s have a discussion.

Annual Self-Reflection Digital Workbook Life Visioning and Goal Setting Toolkit

Comments 33

  1. These are some great tips. So many of us carry hurts, pain etc in our lives from one year to another. We can’t change what happened in the past but we can work on changing the direction of our future. Thank you so much for sharing. I will use these tips. You are a wise woman

  2. Inspiring post! I know it sounds “Pollyanna-ish” but I do believe that you need to smile to be happy – even if you’re in a funk, smiling for no reason whatsoever seems to at least take the edge off!

  3. ‘Without intention, we are basically flying blind” – yep! So powerful! I have a feeling this year will be a defining year, good scary! Great post!

  4. This is a neat way of looking at things Carin!! I wish it were that ‘clean’ of a filing system for me, but I see some murky papers lingering unable to find their file just yet. Those are the files I need to keep open longer to really resolve and heal, ya know?

    I will surely take you up on the 2015 files!!

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  5. Thanks so much Carin! I am filing CONFUSION away in 2014 and letting CLARITY take its place in 2015. In the past I’ve claimed “confusion” anytime my vision felt too big for me. This year…Imma stop playing. Stepping into my greatness and embracing the clarity I’ve always had.

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  6. Awesome post! I indeed keep gratitude as my number one thing to file away in 2015 and beyond. I took part in the one word challenge and the word I’m focusing on more this year is create. I’m creating more opportunities in both my personal and professional life.

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  7. Love this Carin! I’m filing away other people’s opinons (real or perceived) of me, and ready to stand tall and dominate in 2015. This year is all about embracing who I am and the gifts I have to offer in this world. I’m ready to play bigger 🙂

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  8. I’m loving all of these resolutions and plans to reach new heights in 2015. I’ve logged in some great memories from 2014 and noted some lessons learned. I’m looking forward to 2015 and all that I plan to make happen during the year. #blmgirls

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  9. This is great and so true and important. I do these things on a daily basis (e.g. forgiveness/dealing with wrongs, hurts, etc., gratitude, goals) but the new year is a great time to take a look at them as well.

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  10. I love this Carin! These entire post speaks to my heart. I am kicking fear to the curb and inviting joy into my life. Feeling refreshed in the New year and I intend to keep it that way.

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