What Happiness Really Means To Moms

Have you ever noticed how most children seem to be happy all the time. They delight in the smallest pleasures and it is so easy to put a smile on their faces.

If you’ve noticed, you may have also wondered why it’s so easy for children to be happy… and so seemingly difficult for us moms.

What Happiness Really Means To Moms

So what does the word ‘happiness’ really mean?

Happiness can be defined as being in a mental or emotional state of well being. The characteristics of happiness are when you feel pleasure, contentment, and joy. This would explain why children feel happy so easily. They enjoy simple things like reading a book with their mom/dad or helping make dinner. Or just dancing to music or visiting with family.

The key word being simple… children are easily made happy because everything is so simple. They’ve yet to complicate their simple joys with all the what ifs, should’ve, could’ve, would’ve’s, regrets, disappointments, and all the other things that we allow to steal our joy.

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The effect of happiness on your health

We know that laughter is good for the soul. That a smile can instantly lift a bad mood. But there was also a study performed in 2005 by Andrew Steptow and Michael Marmot which showed that happiness and health have a direct correlation.

This applies to both adults and children. The report showed that happy people lived 14% longer than those who were not happy. So now you can add longer life to the list of reasons why you should be happy.

Raising happiness in your children

Raising a happy child is important… and as a parent you have the responsibility to ensure that your child is happy and enjoying life. Normally it is fairly easy to see when your child isn’t happy, but not always.

Changes in behavior often mean that something is wrong and it may take a while for your child to open up and talk to you. So make a point of talking to them and keeping the lines of communication open so they’ll feel comfortable coming to you and discussing how they’re feeling.

As a busy mom, you have to make a real effort to do things with your children. This could be something as simple as having a movie night or a dinner date. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Kids love easy. And all they really want is your time.

Final thoughts on what happiness means to moms

Your child may remember what you say, but they’ll definitely remember what they see in you. So if you want your child to be happy the best way to achieve their happiness is to show them how it’s done. And to be happy yourself. 🙂

I want to hear from you!

What does happiness mean to you? And how do you raise happiness in your child? Please join the discussion in the comments below.

Comments 64

  1. I am not a mom but I can definitely identify with this post. Sometimes the stress and responsibilities of life can get in the way of smiling and being happy. I try to find a reason to laugh and find joy in the mundane so my days feel better. 🙂 Thank you for this post! 🙂

  2. This is so true about happiness. It does effect your health in a positive way. It is what we do with our children and not how much we spend is what will always be remembered. Thank you so much for sharing

  3. I am not a parent…but, I am a very proud, involved Aunt!! I love my nephew as if he was my own! When I come to visit..I become the chaser, the seeker, the wrestler, the bubble maker, and so many other roles with my nephew. He is only 3 1/2 right now, and is as busy as ever!

  4. Happiness has to be thought out sometimes. You need to know what makes you happy, and how to go about it. I love to read, it makes me happy, so I read with my kids at night, and then read my own book.

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  5. I am honesly happy that I joined your blog ! You are probably going to be one of my tops ! I am loving your advise even though I am a new joiner to this blog! I have read quite a few things of yours already !!<3

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  6. I just signed up for your happiness mom class and thank you! You make such a good point that our kids find happiness in things that we find clutter in, or around, or something.

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  7. This is a great reminder. It is easy to get caught up in “doing things” that you forget to enjoy the time you have. Laughter and happiness is not about how many activities you enroll in or how many toys you buy. Thanks for this.

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  8. Gosh, I needed to read this today. I definitely want my kids to be happy…but need to work more on having a more positive attitude! I can tell you’re such a good mom in that way!

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  9. I alway thought that I was a happy person, then my happiness grew so more the day I became a mom. It continues to grow as I watch my son grow and discover new things about the world! Great post!

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  10. I agree, kids tend to copy what parents do. If we are always mad and angry maybe they will get that behavior too. Let’s do our best to be positive most of the time.

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  11. I’m a firm believer that our mental state has a lot to do with how we feel or how our body reacts!! I know that when I’m feelinga angry or down, I just don’t feel good! There is a direct connection!

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  12. This is a great post indeed and every parent should show their children what happiness really means. Happiness is important to show children when they have achieved the smallest of goals which than builds self esteem. Thanks for sharing.

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  13. Happiness is definitely so important 🙂 I think its one of the best feelings ever, it just makes you feel so good! 🙂 A simple smile can turn around someone’s day!

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  14. i’m not a mother yet but i know how important it is to be happy and just have a positive mindset around your children. I really enjoyed reading this post ♥ BTW what a beautiful picture 🙂 You guys look so happy ♥

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  15. Love this article! I’m all about happiness (hence the name of my blog) and I think that seeking happiness in every aspect of life is so important. Thanks for sharing.

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  16. Being happy around children and showing them how to live a happy life is so important. There’s nothing I want more for my son than for him to be happy and have wonderful, happy memories to remember with his father and I.

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