7 Simple Steps to Having a Great Day

Great days rarely happen just by accident.

They usually require a little preliminary work if you want to have a day worth remembering. Just as the path to a great body is pretty simple (though not easy!), having a great day can be pretty simple, too.

Do you know what you need to have a great day? Have you ever even pondered this?

If your life seems too rushed, complicated, and unfulfilling, a simple routine might be all you need to get yourself on the path to having a better day.

And that’s where I can help. *smile*

7 Simple Steps to Having a Great Day via @carinkilbyclark

Follow these 7 simple steps and have a great day:

1. Have a great day by stretching a little before getting out of bed.

Dogs and cats stretch before taking a single step. Try doing the same. Your body is likely cold and stiff first thing in the morning. Take two minutes to get your body started.

* A fair number of injuries occur shortly after awakening, so take it slowly.

2. Have a great day by drinking a large glass of water.

Even though you didn’t do anything last night besides sleep, your body is constantly losing water through your skin and breath. Water is also used in many processes, such as digestion. So you’re dehydrated when you first wake up. You’ll feel better and more alert after a tall, cool, morning glass of H20.

3. Have a great day by reading or listening to something inspiring.

Motivation and inspiration are important components of any great day. Whatever it is that works for you, take a few minutes and get yourself motivated for the day.

* For example, maybe the theme from the movie “Rocky” makes you feel like you can take on the world. Or, perhaps you prefer to read something profound. Be intentionally about starting your day from a place of inspiration.

4. Have a great day by choosing one big task to complete today.

It’s common for us to have a mile-long list of items to accomplish each day. But the challenge with a long list is that some items invariably won’t be completed, which often results in frustration.

* Choose one super important task to complete, and then check it off your to-do list! You’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment.

5. Have a great day by reminding yourself of the things that fill you with gratitude.

Your family, home, and good health could all be reasons to be thankful. Most of us spend too much time annoyed by the things we don’t have, rather than what we do have.

* Focus on being grateful and you’ll instantly cheer up!

6. Have a great day by assessing your attitude and make adjustments.

Are you worried about the future? Focus on the present moment instead. Are you angry at your co-worker? Forgive them or come up with a solution to resolve the issue.

* Forgiveness has been shown to be good for your blood pressure and consequently, your heart health.

7. Have a great day by spending time with someone you love.

It could be a spouse, partner, child, family member, or friend. Spend some quality time together. Quality time probably doesn’t mean watching TV or your usual routine. Find an activity that requires interaction.

* Do something fun and out of the norm, make new memories, and truly enjoy each other’s company.

Take responsibility for creating your great day. Think about all the things you can do every day to make it better.

You can also try taking a walk during your lunch break or keeping a journal – both will make life more enjoyable.

With a few simple steps, you can greatly increase the odds of having an awesome day. Who knows, maybe your best day ever will be today!

I want to hear from you!

What would it take to make this a great day for you? Please join the discussion in the comments below.

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Comments 45

  1. I like the idea of reading or listening to inspiring before starting a day. I’m going to try this tomorrow! Thank you!

  2. I really like these tips for having a great day. I really like number 4. It really is less intimidating sometimes to tackle one thing, even if it’s a big one, than a million little things.

  3. I always have a glass of water it does wake me up, maybe I should stretch as well thanks for the advice 🙂 loved it

  4. I especially like the idea of choosing one big task to complete. If I don’t focus in on something big when I do it, I go off like buckshot, bouncing all over, lol.

  5. I think it’s so important to try and have a great day, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the hectic day to day rush of getting things done. It’s really important to slow down and enjoy life. Thanks for the tips!

  6. This absolutely helps me during my stressful days of work or school or even both. I love the list of these things because it helps soothe out my stress so that I feel capable to take on the day. Thanks for this pick me up! I love reading your blog xo

  7. I swear you wrote this post for me. My life felt so rushed, I was beginning to feel like I barely enjoy anything. I knew Ihad to make a change and so I actually took a few of your steps without realizing it, and listen to an inspiring radio show daily, and spend as much time with my loved ones as possible.

  8. I take responsibility for making my day great. I had a recent bout of the blahs that I never never get and had to remind myself to do that then. It helps!

  9. This month has been really hard for me. My kids got sick for a week and I am not feeling good right now. Stretching is a great way to keep our body active and to reduce stress

  10. Let me share what motivates me to have a great day – I look at the sunrise. Watching the sun slowly rising, that beautiful, soft, yellow glorious ball of light is enough to tell me that a new day has begun. Another chance to make a change, to love more, and to do something great for someone.

  11. Those are all awesome ways to have a great day. I think spending time with the people we love always makes us happy 🙂

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