3 Easy Ways to Add Joy to Your Daily Routines

Most of us moms live very busy lives.

Often, we’re so busy juggling our daily tasks and responsibilities that we forget to take the time to do the things that bring us happiness.

Unfortunately, a lack of joy in your daily life can lead to prolonged unhappiness, and it can even have long-term negative consequences on your health.

Several well-known studies demonstrate that positive emotions, such as joy, have a profound effect on your health. One such study entitled “Positive Emotion and Health: Going Beyond the Negative,” was published in the July 2005 issue of Health Psychology.

According to this study:

* Joy and optimism provided a 51% reduction in the rates of heart disease among men who were followed for 10 years during the study.

* Positive emotions such as joy and hope not only reduce the incidence of heart disease, but they also have a protective effect against high blood pressure, diabetes, and upper respiratory infections.

Thankfully, no matter how busy your mom life may be, there are steps you can take to instantly boost your mood and health.

3 Easy Ways to Add Joy to Your Daily Routines via @carinkilbyclark

Here are three easy ways to add some joy back into your life each day:

1. Add joy to your daily routines by taking time to appreciate and revel in activities that delight you.

Whenever you feel your energy beginning to dwindle during the day, take a break and focus on something that brings you pleasure.

* Giving yourself permission to have little “joy breaks” throughout your day will instantly lift your mood, as well as help you reduce stress and recharge your energy.

* Simple things like savoring a cup of your favorite coffee or reconnecting with an old friend have the ability to bring you joy.

* The important thing to remember is to take time each day to focus on those simple activities that make you feel happier.

2. Add joy into your daily routines by counting your blessings.

If you’re having a particularly difficult or hectic day, you might find it tempting to focus on the negative aspects of the day. Instead, try focusing on the things that are going in a positive direction and be thankful.

* Feeling and expressing gratitude are very powerful. Taking time to reflect on better times in the past, as well as the things that are currently going well, can instantly lift your mood and give you the strength to keep working towards your goals.

* Consider keeping a “blessings journal” so that you have a physical record of the good things in your life. This will help lift you up and encourage you during the difficult times.

3. Add joy into your daily routines by shaking things up and doing something new.

The old saying, “familiarity breeds contempt,” is certainly true when it comes to our daily lives. Why not try something completely different, and follow your passions, to rediscover your joy?

* Your imagination is the only limit. To get started, why not explore a new route to and from your workplace? You could also try out a new recipe that features a novel ingredient.

* Consider learning a new skill or hobby. When looking for something to try, pay attention to the dreams you’ve had as a child and adult. For example, did you ever dream of traveling to a faraway country in the past? Consider taking classes to learn that country’s language and then plan a trip.

Remember to also make time for laughter and fun throughout your day.

Not only will you rediscover your joy, strengthen your health, and increase your own happiness, but your positive energy and outlook will also affect others around you and increase their level of joy, too!

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I want to hear from you!

What are some of the ways you add joy into your daily routines? Please join the discussion in the comments below.

Comments 63

  1. These sound good. It reminds me, I had started a plan that I would go somewhere new at least once each week. That doesn’t sound like much, but it involved planning, thinking about it, wondering…. I guess I fell off that bandwagon somewhere along the line. It was fun, and often, the something “new” was local, to meet new people, adventure into something out of the normal “ruts” in the road. It was something positive and fun. I want to start doing that again!

  2. I would like to thank you for the nice tips and pointers on adding a little joy back to my day. You really brightened up a gloomy day.

  3. I definitely need to “shake things up.” I get exhausted and lose motivation doing the same things everyday. Thank you for this simple yet motivational reminder. (:

  4. A positive outlook can improve almost any situation! It’s easier said than done sometimes, but just smiling and focusing on the good can bring you into the light from the dark.

  5. Being joyful makes my days much happier. It takes away some stress and I take time to enjoy the beauty around me. Thank you so much for sharing

  6. It’s amazing how happy mind creates a healthy life. I really like the idea of keeping a blessings journal and the one thing I have to work on is not feeling guilty when I take a break. Thank you for all the wonderful information! 🙂

  7. Losing people recently has made me think that I need to do something new. I feel like I need to make real changes.

  8. I have to start thinking more positive in my life. Sometimes I am blinded by the negativity and forget what I am suppose to focus on first that is the most important.

  9. These are all such GREAT reminders Carin! As both mothers and entrepreneurs, we can get so caught up in our daily obligations and tasks, we forget that joy and happiness are actually what bring success–and NOT the other way around. LOVE this post!

  10. It’s so important to find various ways to add happiness into your life. I always try to do something different everyday because you never know what might bring you joy.

  11. Great post! I think that joy is so important and, for me, gratitude is a huge part of that. Even in times of trials and tribulations I try to remain thankful for all the positive and focus on how blessed I am.

  12. I’m one that tries not to let anything steal my joy. These last few months at work have been quite overwhelming but I notice I find myself taking breaks and stepping away just to regroup. Love that tip!

  13. I needed this right now. I am in the midst of a battle with a customer service representative as we speak. Joy is so important and it is so important to not let anyone or anything destroy that. Thank you.

  14. Great post! I totally agree with all 3 tips. I am not a mom but I do get overwhelmed sometimes and one thing I like to do that makes me happy is window shop. I know it’s weird because I’m not actually buying anything but I like to try on clothes and look at new items and when I’m done I put it back. Gives me great joy lol.

  15. I need to learn how to count my blessings better because I am truly blessed. I am a worrier and I worry way too much about things that don’t matter. Taking time to just release has helped me out a lot

  16. It is fun to switch things up sometimes. It is easy to get into a rut doing the same things all the time. I like to try something new at least once a month.

  17. I have been listening to a meditation podcast each day and love the way I feel after practicing time alone with my thoughts. It makes me start the day off in an easy way and I can face what waits for me.

  18. I seriously think that being joyful, happy and positive is like tapping into a fountain of youth. I would like to do something new soon to add even more joy to my life.

  19. These are all great ways to add joy to our daily routine. It is important to count our blessings. Sometimes it is good for us to try something we haven’t done before. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Great tips! I always try to start my days off on a good note, being happy and uppity… I don’t feel like being negative, or in a bad mood benefits anyone. We all need to really count our blessings and just enjoy.

  21. Getting my walk in every day adds joy to my day. It’s a great way tto start my morning. We’re preparing for a 5k as a family so we’re doing it now together.

  22. I’m not one that is good with change. But, I agree with the other two points! I definitely concentrate on myself being happy every day, and have been doing a lot better, health wise! I try and keep a positive outlook on life as much as possible!

  23. I always try to find happiness in the mundane things I have to do everyday. However, there are times that I can’t help but feel down. When that happens, I sit quietly for a few minutes, reflect on my blessings and then I feel better. Thanks for sharing!

  24. i think we could all benefit from using some of these tips in our own lives. Joy is such a great emotion, and it is often under-utilized. I know I would be better off using some of these tips in my own life.

  25. Adding joy to my days is something I really need to work on. I am so busy with everything It’s hard to do that and remember.

  26. I always wake up and try to be happy. Usually just looking at my kids smiling faces will help me accomplish that.

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